Originally Posted by WmHunter
Originally Posted by bama1971
Originally Posted by poorcountrypreacher
It seems a lot more likely to me that the problem is found in our understanding and interpretation of the Bible.

I agree with this 100%

Its real easy to read the bible and imagine a white fella writing it down in English, but reality makes it a little more obvious that some things have probably been translated over and over and slightly changed over time.

It is important to remember that the Bible is the Hebrew and Jewish scriptures, yes for all, but not the white man's holy book.

And it is even more important to understand that it has not been changed because the science of analyzing documents and written things, which is called
Textual Criticism, shows that it has not been changed >>>> and I am referring to thousands of manuscripts.

The Masoretic Text = the literal original real McCoy of the Old Testament.

The Textus Receptus = the literal original real McCoy of the New Testament.

Any good, accurate Bible in any language will be based on these two texts.

In English that will be the King James Version and its predecessor the Coverdale Bible.


Believers and unbelievers need to be aware of a long movement to produce false Bibles.
There are many modern speech and other so-called translations that are literally created to remove many aspects of the true original texts.
To delete the deity of Christ, to delete virgin birth, to erase many OT prophecies, to delete the blood of Christ, to make God a She.

This all goes back to Satan's original lies to Adam and Eve where he questions God's Word.
"What did God say?"

Then he LIES and MISREPRESENTS God's word.

So be careful what Bible you pick up and use.
It may have all kinds of alterations.
Even the NIV.

I would argue that the KJV is not the most accurate representation of “English” as we speak it today. The king’s English? Sure.