So, I had an unexpected 2-day stay in the hospital last week - first time in my 34yrs. Long story short, after meeting with both cardiologists and neurologists and running pretty much every test they could run (which all came back not just "good" but "about as good as it gets"), they determined I'm about as healthy as it gets, and that I'm simply drinking too much coffee, not enough water, and I'm too stressed. According to the doctors, 40-50 oz of coffee/day is "excessive" or "a bit much"...

The stress part is just mental, and I'll have to work on that. But I have since cut my coffee intake in half and I'm chugging water all day. I keep a 32oz Nalgene bottle with me all day and try to knock out 2 before lunch and 2 after lunch, for a little over a gallon (I fill the bottle past the 32oz line, all the way to the top).

An added bonus is I'm sure I'm increasing my number of steps/day, because I'm having to take a leak literally every 20-25 minutes laugh

If my body doesn't get accustomed to it quick, I'm not gonna get any work done.

There are 3 certainties in an uncertain world:

1. All Politicians Are Liars
2. All Gun Laws Are an Infringement
3. Taxation Is Theft