Originally Posted by Irishguy
I think we endure things, because we have no choice but to endure them. I don't try to understand God's thinking behind why we have to endure things, I just try to understand my own thinking behind it. Either I made a bad decision and I need to do better next time, or someone around me made a bad decision and needs to do better next time, or it's some random situation that happened and I need to show my character in how I deal with it.

A few years ago when my oldest son died at only 30 years old from liver failure, I had to go to that hospital everyday and watch him die and there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it. It was bad. Did I lean on God for understanding? Yes I did. However I had no choice in the matter as to whether or not I had to endure it. I just did what needed to be done.

We as humans are put here to love other people and to endure both the good and the bad of life. We have free will and choices to make in how we live our lives and treat other people, but sometimes we are placed in situations that for all practical purposes are beyond our control and how we deal with those situations defines our character.

Sorry for your loss man. The wisdom your posting here can only be gained by going through what you did. Thanks you for the post.