Originally Posted by Gobble4me757
I went through high school and college not understanding why I could never just sit down and focus at really much of anything school wise as well as was all over the place with conversations etc. I had someone finally get me to go to the doctor about what was going on and was literally a textbook ADHD case. That said, I was prescribed Adderall taken as needed now in grad school and it has literally made a worlds difference in my studying ability. People who don't have ADHD don't know what it's like and cannot comment on the use of medication for the purposes it was designed for. I myself was never one to use anything I wasn't prescribed for, and I personally don't like taking pills. Am I addicted to it? Absolutely not because I just take it to study with and don't use it as a daily thing. Yes it is a methamphetamine salt that is a stimulant and has the side effects of suppressing hunger, so you will lose weight potentially as well as it makes you have a "flat" mood/more focused mood which is another reason why I don't use them all the time. All in all, if you have legitimate ADHD and not misdiagnosed (Drs. misdiagnose it all the time) then you will see a world of a difference using the proper medication. This negative stigma towards mental health and proper medications needs to be put to rest. Wish you the best!

I was having the same issues with school and work the doc said I’m a textbook case as well. I took the summer term off since I just retired. I’ll start back up in the fall once my kids go back to school and wife goes back on her normal work schedule. I wasn’t sure about taking it while not going to school but the doc told me to go head and take it for at least 30 days so they could change it if need be before school starts back.

"You cant manage a deer herd with acorns."

-Dr. Craig Harper