Originally Posted by GomerPyle
Originally Posted by Ben2
Why any kid would play any sport at 5-6 is beyond me

because kids need some outdoor activity and exercise. additionally, they need to learn at an early age to be part of a team and how to take "coaching" from someone other than a parent. It's not the kids that screw up youth sports, it's parents with unrealistic or selfish expectations and motivations.

Yes Gomer.

Our 6U team won the league this year. But after every game, the kids would ask "did we win"? Lol. They just wanted a drink and snack. But the parents act like they've bet the farm and lively hood on the out come of a 6U game. Screaming and yelling like wild banshee's. Excuse me Ma'am, Sir....um he's 5 years old. Chill. But I've been known to have uncontrolled outbursts as well.