Originally Posted by FurFlyin
Originally Posted by Clem
Originally Posted by FurFlyin

One of the guys at the shop brings homemade biscuits and sausage every day. He lives beside his grandmother and she cooks every morning. He usually brings extras... One day last week he was passing out biscuits and sausage and one of the other guys was waving a biscuit around in my face telling me to go ahead and have one. "You know you want one" is what he kept saying.

People who do this are assholes who would rather tear down people instead of being happy for someone's success.

Good on you and the others who are firm with your discipline.

He's a huge smart A but so am I. He was doing it to be funny but I do agree with you. People doing things like that give me more motivation though.

He is just an addict and acting like an addict. I didn't know I was at one time either. It's why I couldn't lose weight. It would be like a heroin addict trying to quit by cutting back. he will eventually be worse than ever,and that's exactly how my diets went until I completely quit sugar.