Originally Posted by BamaPlowboy
Originally Posted by GKelly
if I could put as much money as SS steals from me every month on top of my 401k contributions Id be set. Shouldnt be my place to fund everybody elses retirement and disability

Amen. What a miracle it would be if we could get some SS reform in Congress..If I was reforming SS I’d give any one under 45 an optional buyout on the condition that the money is invested in a retirement plan and yearly contributions are made to an IRA. Anyone who wishes can stay in.

This is exactly what we would not need.

It is my money to do as I want, not have requirements on how to invest or spend or provide for other morons who don't invest wisely or ignorant welfare dipshits who believe government should provide everything.

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"Best I can figure 97.365% of the general public is a paint chip eating, mouth breathing, certified dumbass." BCLC, 2020