The various comments on this thread is all the proof anyone needs to know that eventually this country will tank. The liberal Democrats stick together no matter what- come hell or high water. At election time they are all on the same page for their particular idiot. Us on the other hand, we'll all fuss & squabble about the whatever's that we don't like about a certain person & either vote out of spite for the wrong one or don't vote at all. I tried earlier in this thread to stir some reasonable thinking about moore- that he'd be a good senator for us regardless of his past. We all have a past. You can only move towards the future. Instead of reasonable comments- I get told I'm not using paragraphs or its's just too much for the eyes to take in.This crap line of thinking is not what will win elections for the long term required to turn this country around. God help us & Scotty will you please beam me up?