Originally Posted by 2Dogs
Originally Posted by abolt300
That's a big leap to make there Danny. Bama deer will never be midwest deer. I do however think that with better management: such as, limiting "individual" doe harvest in areas where needed, (2) actually having a system to be able to obtain true, complete harvest data and regulation compliance, (3) having the ability and money to hire enough wardens to actually be able to really enforce the laws that are currently on the books, and (4) having the fines high enough that if you do break the game laws in Alabama, you pay a high enough price that it'll make you think twice about ever doing it again. I'm not saying reduce the limit on bucks from the current 3 or even the season. Just actually having the personnel in place and a good system to actually enforce the 3 buck limit would go a long way. Game check is a joke and a single warden working entire counties and in some/most cases multiple counties is pretty much a joke on the enforcement side. It's like everything else, the devil is in the details and the best plan with piss poor execution and enforcement is just as bad as having a bad plan to start with, if not worse. Everyone has broken the baiting law for years because it could not be properly enforced due to a lack of personnel and time and the penalty being too low to serve as a deterrent. Here's just a few examples:

Hunting without a license resident Fine $100
Hunting without a licence non-resident Fine $825
Selling game animals $500
Hunting out of Season $250
Hunting over bait $250 (legal now with the new permit)
Running deer with dogs during stalk hunting only season $200
Exceeding bag limit on big game $100

The fines are so low that it is not a valid deterrent. If you can get away with hunting without a non-resident license in Alabama for 3 years, you're money ahead. Selling game animals, $500 fine. What a joke. Heck, you know that if you and I wanted to do that, we could easily make $1000's a week. Fact is, it's cheap as hell to be an outlaw in Alabama and that's the biggest problem with all of it. It's no wonder why so many people dont pay attention to making sure they obey the game laws of the state. Doing that little bit of research just showed me that for only $100 (if and only if, I get caught, LOL) I can kill a fourth buck or shoot two on the same day, if I happen to see second one that I like, with the only downside being that if I get caught, I have to pay a $100 fine plus court costs and forfeit the deer. I'd never do it because rules, regs are laws are there for a reason and I will not knowingly break them but that right there IMO is the biggest problem. thumbup

You overlooked the biggest fine joke in Alabama, spotlighting. Since everyone wants to be like Kansas , take a look at their night hunting fines, I believe it's about $10,000.

Ask Spook Spann about breaking game laws in Kansas and how much it will cost a fella. 😀

Dying ain't much of a living boy...Josey Wales

Molon Labe