Straycat Experiment-Week 1 (May 13-29)
The Plan is really simple for the next 7 days: Cutting out all soft drinks, sweet tea, desserts, french fries and junk food (processed snacks, chips, etc). Easy start by cutting the "big ticket" bad carb items first. These are the things that for me are the primary (not only) cause of extra weight and sugar and my joints just don't work good together from past trial and error. For this week I'm not going to really get into carb control on whole foods like pasta, rice, beans, bread, fruit like people do on keto but I will purposefully start cutting portion sizes. Weather is nice so I'm going to start walking for 30 minutes before I leave for work and 30 minutes in the evenings--minimum 4 days per week to start. I already do an evening walk a couple times a week with wife, 5 yr old and the dog--more of a stroll.


Weight: 265.0. Down 4.2 pounds as of this morning.

Overall an easy first week. I've had zero soft drinks or sweet tea, zero junk food, no French fries, and only 1 dessert at my son's bachalaurete dinner last night. I began cutting back on portions and making a few better choices. I haven't walked as much as I said, but substituted yard work doing some spring freshening up around the property for about 8 hours.

Tomorrow is start of Week 2. Time to start ending the love affair with bread, rice, pasta and potatoes. I expect to be challenged this week. Meat, vegetables and fruit will be my focus this week. Real keto begins in another week or so.

"The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8

"Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.� Samuel Adams