Originally Posted by Farmer Brown
You all do not know this man. There are many untruths stated about Roy Moore here, that aren't true. The man went from high school, to West Point, to Vietnam, to law school, and has never had a bad reputation among the people who know him in his community. You all are entitiled to your opinion, but that is all it is, an opinion. Some of you believe the political hit job pulled against him. Go ahead and have at it. Insult me or whatever. I personally don't think he should run, but not based on character. Roy Moore speaks publicly what he believes, and doesn't back down on his convictions. We need more politicians that "wrap" themselves in scripture. I was brought up in the same community. I went to school with his siblings, all of my school years. He certainly isn't perfect, but a pedophile, he is not.

First I agree wholeheartedly that he is not a pedophile because I know the definition of a pedophile. I do believe he likes them young that puts him in the pervert range though, but my distaste for him goes back a lot further than any of these allegations. I simply have no use for someone that makes themselves a martyr for political and personal gain, which he most certainly did. Read the transcript of the 10 Commandments case and get back on this issue.

He really needs to take the hint. If deep red Alabama would rather send a jack ass like Jones to Washington for two years, he ought to realize we don't like him, period. Refusal to accept this is as a sign of a narcissistic, arrogant psychopath.

Lord, please help us get our nation straightened out.