Originally Posted by BrotherTurtle
But I suppose it could have been old. But as long as it wasn't rotting, wouldn't the cows eat it anyway?

One year old left over hay isn't too bad. Cows will eat it. If it's older than that though, it's usually not too good, IMO.

Most likely it's what I said earlier. It probably wasn't any good to start with. It could have been some junk they had to buy to make it through the winter. It's late enough in the year now that bermuda grass is growing well and there is no fear of having to feed hay.

They may be in exactly the same "hay shape" that we were finishing up the year. We baled a lot of green hay last year, due to all the rain. It was either bale it and let it mold or let it get rained on for multiple days and ruined. We fed the worst quality hay this year we've ever fed and it wasn't because it was poor quality grass, it's because of it being baled green. I will catch my dad gone sometime in the next month and burn everything we've got left. The cows would only eat about half of each bale, on the last stuff we fed.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14