A regular pen type trap will catch them for sure. Trouble is, it will educate 2 (if not 5) for every 1 you catch. Once they get trap shy you have a REAL problem unless you can get dogs in there.

The best method is a combination of trapping, shooting and dogs. Trouble is, unless you own the land or live close by not all options may be on the table. Our club is in an area with a BAD hog problem. We have shot (while hunting, maybe 1/4 of the total) and trapped (other 3/4) something like 400 hogs off our 4k acre lease in the last 5 years. Are they gone? No. BUT, I saw hogs almost every hunt the first year I was there (4 years ago), maybe half the hunts the second year, and NONE the last two years. We still get them in traps and see tracks in the roads but they haven't torn up the plots or the roads too badly anywhere I've seen. Barry (Alabama Hog Control) Estes is our club president and responsible for the vast majority of that reduction.

The only real solution is pressure. If you bother them enough using all the methods described above, they will move to your neighbors. If you only visit your lease 4 months out of the year and or (God forbid) you have a large neighboring tract that either isn't hunted or is VERY lightly hunted you're peeing up a rope. Consistent pressure is the only answer IMHO. Good luck