Originally Posted by ikillbux
Originally Posted by Beadlescomb
Originally Posted by ikillbux
Originally Posted by perchjerker
Really Ikill, kinda like a mechanic that does it for a living just driving your vehicle and knowing the problem? Those guys are experts on patterns and locations by time of the year. They look at a lake with a new set of eyes. Its more than beating water or haven't you learned anything? loco

I'm dead serious. I'd bet you my house I'm better than that guy (remember, nobody knows his name and he hocked his stinking trophy), I could point to every stump for a two mile stretch of any part of Logan Martin, I fish it almost weekly, heck I lived 10 mins from it for 20 years. I've spent a lifetime fishing it, it's simply the odds. I've fished shallow, deep, every season, won $1,000's in tournaments there, and NEVER caught a 7 lb fish there. And these yahoos just show up knowing NOTHING, and catch a 7 pounder IN THE FREAKIN' BASSMASTERS CLASSIC!!!!! You're dang right, that ticks me off!! rofl grin

robert hamilton junior is his name i thought everyone knew who he was. good guy that got hooked on pain killers after 5-7 back surgeries

Legit, never heard his name that I know of. Granted, I graduated high school in 1992, wasn't following professional fishing back then (I don't follow it now other than watching some videos or TV shows).

I'm just making this point: Watch ANY professional fishing and you're going to see this.... Some dude from Indiana that nobody's ever heard of, he's like 25 years old, qualifies to fish the Classic through winning all the local then regional divisions, against DANG good fishermen who've done it years longer than him, comes to Lay Lake ALABAMA (random example)....he's never even been to Alabama, much less been on Lay. I've lived my whole life an hour from Lay, fished it a few dozen times, only ever caught a handful of nice fish, and generally caught 10-14 pounds of fish in every derby I've fished there. I've got a $60K boat with $1,000's of electronics and gear too, just like they do. Yet this 25yr old dude from 7 states away comes down here and catches 22-1/2 pounds on the first day, and maybe finishes 4th overall in the Classic over the 4 days. HOW?????????????? What did he know, how did he know it, how in the WORLD does that work??????? Explain that crap??????!!!! Yeah, he hired a guide 6 months ago, but so what....he still had to come down here on a hope and prayer and assume the info was good, the fish were there, and they bit!!! Divine providence. There's literally ZERO, nothing , not a single thing he could have done or known that ANY other fisherman couldn't also have done or known, so what's the difference?

I wasn't picking at that Hamilton guy, just saying how remarkable (actually inexplicable) it was that he'd catch a 7 pounder on Logan Martin. In the CLASSIC!! That wouldn't have been a big deal at Guntersville, but Logan??!!

if youre good enough to qualify for the classic thru the opens or federation youre in the top 1% of anglers in the world. dont take this the wrong way but maybe youre not that good. me and a couple buddies are hammers on a couple of stretches of river around here but none of us can hold a candle to the tour guys that catch them day in and day out on everybody of water they go to no matter the conditions.

We will burn that bridge when we get there