I first started reading aldeer in 2003, and one of the few constants from this board is that every year there have been posters who declared that particular year to be the worst ever, and every year some have said it was the best ever. How turkey season is perceived is very much site specific. I have no idea why turkeys gobble better in particular areas one year than the next, but I know that they do. The unpredictable nature of turkey hunting is one of the reasons I enjoy it so much.

I remember that I killed a limit in 2003 and posted about it on here. We didn't have nearly as many members on this board back then, and there weren't many limits posted. I don't remember his handle, but I remember that one guy posted that the Good Ole Days of turkey hunting in AL were long gone, and that it would be very rare to hear of a limit from now on. He said that someone like me might occasionally get lucky and kill a limit, but it would hardly ever happen again. I guess I remember that because I wondered how he knew that my limit was just luck, especially since he didn't know me and knew nothing about me. Anyway, his prediction turned out to be really bad and AL has had some great overall turkey seasons since then.

But there is always an element of luck involved in killing a turkey, and every time I kill one I wonder if he will be my last. If your season was bad this year, take hope that the next one will be the best ever. But also realize it might be the worst - some season has to be your worst one, and it might be ahead of you. I try to always assume the worst when it comes to turkey hunting, and then I can feel extra blessed if it's successful.

And who was the guy who said a couple of weeks back that he was gonna limit out the coming weekend? Did he do it? I never read an update, but I thought that was a good way to get a jinx on you. smile

I seriously doubt that I will ever kill another one.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.