Originally Posted by FurFlyin
I told you guys I would keep this thread updated, so that if I fell off the wagon, somebody could come slap me. This was posted in the food forum regarding Keto meal ideas, so I thought I'd C&P it over here. I honestly can't begin to imagine how good I'll feel in a few more months. I added the bold font to BGD's quote.

Originally Posted by BamaGuitarDude
results: I've lost over 7 lbs in 2 weeks so far; weight loss isn't my primary goal, but it's a nice add'er ... my energy, alertness, mental sharpness/focus are through the ROOF!! i don't get the dreaded freakin' "sleepy head" BS after meals anymore, AND i can usually run 5-7 hrs between meals ... MOST NIGHTS - i just chunk up cucumber, get those lil baby tomatoes, pour in some blue cheese, and "snack" on that an hour or two before bed ... i absolutely LOVE not being starving to death all the damn time anymore ....

You and me BOTH! I'm 47 years old and I honest to goodness don't remember ever feeling this good. I'm serious, I don't know if I've felt this good since I was a teenager. Every day this week I've either worked from 7am til dark or worked from 7 am til 4:30 then fished til well after dark. I was at the shop til mid morning today, then hauled chicken litter and spread it til after dark, just came in and took a shower and I'm still ready to go. A month ago I would have already been in bed watching TV and would have been dog tired since mid day. I would have been hurting in half my joints, I wouldn't have had any energy at all. I haven't felt good in so long I didn't think I'd ever feel good again.

I lost 13 pounds in my first 12 days eating this way. I bought a blood tester to check ketone levels and my "fasting" blood sugar as of this morning was 80. At my last doctors appointment it was 120 and I was labelled "pre-diabetic." My blood sugar level is now not going over 100 AFTER eating. The day I got the tester, which was about a week ago, my pre meal blood sugar level was running in the upper 90's. That's after a month of typical healthy eating. Low fat meats, lots of vegetables, fruit, healthy carbs, etc... My ketone blood level Monday was 2.3, that's up from 1.3 early last week. Weird thing is, I haven't lost a pound this week. But here's the kicker, I don't care. I'd keep eating this way if I never lose another pound just because of the way I feel.

I rarely get hungry and I'm only eating 2 meals a day. Right now I'm eating 2 boiled eggs for breakfast, and then lunch. I eat nothing after around 1-2 pm. I think intermittent fasting is helping me as much or more than the keto diet itself.

Fur,did you cut out bread and sugar completely? In my research I found lots of people reporting feeling better like you but mostly from being rid of certain food allergies. A lot of them were either caused by bread or sugar.