Originally Posted by Ruskie
Josh, when you rig a fluke does it need a small weight? I’m learning smith lake how do you fish it there? I put in at smith lake park or the dam. Any suggestions ? Tks

Nope. Never fished one with a weight. I’ve literally been fishing a fluke since the late 90s. You have to rig it weed less and dead straight. Rod tip down and use a jerk, jerk, jerk and 1-3 second pause. Time of pause depends on water temp. I’ve got a certain rhythm I use and a wrist motion where my rod hand does most of the work. It’s really hard to explain and I’ll outfish most people head to head fishing a fluke. Not trying to brag at all but it’s all in the presentation and most folks can’t keep a steady retrieve.

I also do much better in 5-30’ of water. And you have to have the willpower to pause the bait when one rolls on it then set the hook. Otherwise you will miss a vast majority.