I think what 49'er might be getting at is that you are blindly following QDM as espoused by the QDMA and other such organizations. They are making money off of people interested in their concepts so there is a potential for bias. 49er is simply asking to see the research that backs what you and they are saying, not articles from the popular press. So far, you have not provided much if any.

If those biologists are following scientific principles, then there are peer reviewed articles out there for 49'er and others to see. Where are they?

Like your example with the doctor. Do you want your Dr. to set that broken bone if the research says the outcome is more likely desirable if your particular break is simple splinted? You don't want a Dr. doing what he thinks is best...you want him to do what has been proven IS best.

Don't forget, many biologists also used to tell us not to shoot does. Many also used to tell us coyotes don't take many fawns. Now some research has been done (and you can find articles such as the Fort Rucker study) and at least in that case, they were taking a lot of fawns.

Still haven't heard about that time frame during which the mature does come into estrus?