Originally Posted by FurFlyin
Originally Posted by Out back
Originally Posted by FurFlyin

This is why it pisses me off for people to complain about "false" warnings. I'd dang sure rather them "cry wolf" 20 times, instead of being too late on one. I suspect that people who complain about such things have never ridden out a direct hit. I have. I'm not a fan.

I strongly disagree. We damn sure don't need them sirens blowing every time a cloud comes up.
Grow some balls, watch the sky, and take measures to protect your family like a man should do.
Don't blame James Spann or your local EMA for your lack of manhood.

I've got plenty of balls. You can kiss my ass. Let a damn tornado rip the back wall out of your house and get back with me on how your balls and family feel. FU

I've been through them. Two of my neighbors and close friends died in the 1994 (F5) that hit valley grande. I just don't need, or want, the government to step in and take my place as the protector of my family. As long as I am able, I will fill that role.

My opinions and comments are my own. They do not reflect the position or political opinions of Aldeer or any of the Aldeer administration.