Originally Posted by blumsden
Hell of a lot cheaper to do food plots, but yes I agree, there's no difference between the two, IMO.

I have heard this many times before but still don't get it. I can make a 50 bag of corn go for nearly 2 weeks on my feeder during the off season and still get more pics of deer eating than I care to look at some times. It's corn that folks like 257Weatherby have paid for equipment, fuel, herbicides, fertilizers and prayed for rain(or lack there of) to produce.
I just pay $7 and load that 5 gallon bucket with a spinny thingy up and check batteries on the camera.

What am I missing? If you already have the equipment and don't buy it special to food plotting maybe but most folks don't own a tractor nevermind the accessories.

With all that said, I like growing my own little plots and watching them produce but cheaper...I ain't so sure especially if you figure in time with growing bigger plots.

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