I use a 80qt pot I like to use two of the 4.5lb zatarains extra spicy or one orginal and one spicy, I then add 4-6 dark beers truck stop honey,yingling etc 6 large onion quartered 4-6 lemon depending on there size cut in half and 4 cloves garlic bring to a boil. Meanwhile start getting the other ingredients ready I usually do new potatoes, corn, and sausage first and just before there done through in some mushrooms. Once there ready I like to pull them and place them in a cooler to stay warm while the crawfish,shrimp,crab whatever you got left to cook. It doesn't really take to long for them to cook just before you know there done I like to turn the cooker off place the lid on it and let them sit and soak up the juices and spices for bout 15minutes take out toss on the table or cooler and dig in. The beer and lemon really seem to help soften the shells up and to me helps add to the flavor.

Last edited by quickshot; 04/12/19 08:02 AM.