Originally Posted by FurFlyin
That likely is the cause, thanks!

What I am trying to do optimally is to fast 15 or more hours between meals. I do think however that most folks need to work up to this and I did and still do eat something sooner if I feel like I need to eat,whatever those symptoms are,you know your body better than anyone else. As long as I feel great,and I'm not hungry or weak in any way,including lightheaded,I may extend that fast. I do however want to eat really good health building foods when I do eat again.

I did that yesterday. I did extreme amounts of cardio all during the day and drank about 12 bottles of water plus my coffee all day. My supper was around 9 PM. I've not ate yet today,and I am not the least bit hungry or weak.

If however I had got out of bead hungry or got hungry at any time I would eat something. If I wanted a real fat burning day and I was on the go that day, my meal of necessity,because I needed to eat when I thought I wasn't going to,might be a pound of cooked turkey breast from whatever grocery store I was close to.

Last edited by R_H_Clark; 04/11/19 10:44 AM.