Originally Posted by JohnnyLoco
Originally Posted by BowtechDan
Move more than what you eat. Simple.

Pretty much.

I don’t grasp the stamina thing, seems like in many respects I’m as good as I was at 25 if not better. My body went through a drastic change (not weight, fat, or muscle) when I stopped eating nightshade vegetables and fungus (mushrooms). It completely cured some autoimmune conditions. I also drink 4 tbsp of avocado oil per day, my blood numbers are pretty incredible. Like a 93 HDL out of 117, Triglycerides like 50.
I don’t eat dairy products too often most especially yogurt, cream cheese, and milk because its mucus and prevents your body from absorbing a large percentage of the nutrients one might need for stamina.

What I mean by stamina is that I'm about ready to pass out at 10 PM after getting up at 5 AM. When I was 25 I might have skipped sleep a few nights a week altogether for the right reasons and still got up at 5 AM and worked all day.