jlccoffee, I bow hunt and I didn't pick up a rifle all season and I shoot mature bucks and I'm indiscriminate on does. If the buck is a mature five point, I'll probably whack him. You're trying to paint me into a corner of being a "trophy" hunter, which, yes, I love killing big mature bucks with high scoring antlers, like most hunters but I practice QDM.

So to answer your senseless and ulterior question jlccoffee, my target is mature bucks no matter what size antlers he has but I'd rather shoot a high scoring racked buck no doubt. But I'm a bow hunter so I don't think I'm a threat to wiping out my herd's healthiest bucks.

Don't question my sincerity on being concerned about herd health and you can practice the killing of any age/size buck you want as long as you stay within the laws of this state.

Your analogy would be like saying if you love your kids, you would not whip them.