Originally Posted by Goatkiller
Another thing to consider. I was once younger and tougher. Depending on how you tolerate certain things. Weight and comfort being the two in question hiking.

Don't rule out Military Surplus. You can get an ILBE ruck. Things like that. Weight is the issue for extended hikes but Uncle Sam never cared so it can be done with reasonable comfort at low low prices. It is just not what you want if you want "nice" stuff. But it is heavy duty and lasts. I've humped an ILBE further than most. It can be done.

You have so many options on hiking around here it is incredible. The best advice I can give is to find some others that want to hike or like to hike and hit the trails. Lots of trails in Alabama. Check Outdoor Alabama. Probably take a while to just hike some of those... and when you get done you can hit the Smokey Mtns.... also (closer) you can ride over to North GA and I would think about doing short sections of the Appalachian trail i.e. Winding Stair Gap.

Start out day hiking and work your way into overnight.

I keep hearing REI is going to put a store in at the Summit in B'ham. If so... game one. The sale rack is your friend.

When you are ready to do the Matterhorn I'm in. Haven't done that one yet.

Solid advice

"The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8

"Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.� Samuel Adams