Originally Posted by Ben2
Originally Posted by poorcountrypreacher

Dang, how did we go from the 468 "saved" that GC provides to 1500? I don't understand using that figure even on a theoretical basis. I am an amateur when it comes to turkey biology, and have no qualifications to do it for a living, but I am supposed to know something about human behavior.

The estimated 70% of AL turkey hunters who ignore GC are already illegal hunters. They are hunting outside of the law. Why would anyone think they are suddenly going to decide to be legal? They won't. The 468 number is the one to use when discussing this. We are talking about less than 7 per county.

Someone said there was only 35% participation in game check so the actual number based on that is closer to 1500. I know several legal hunters who just dont game check but fill out their paper harvest record but they still kill turkeys within the limit

Ben, do you disagree with my point that the illegal hunters who don't participate in GC will be unaffected by any change in the limit? I am sure there are hunters who fill out the paperwork to avoid getting a ticket and then never GC the bird, but I suspect the ones who do that and tell you they stop at the limit are lying. wink

Troy has often said that in his experience most hunters who have the resources to kill more than 5 will kill more than 5. That's what I have noticed as well. I am very pessimistic about the prospects of getting hunters who won't GC their kills to obey any hunting regs. They have already shown that it doesn't hurt their conscience to break the law. Again, I think this is all about perception and will have no benefit for the turkeys.

All the labor of man is for his mouth, and yet the appetite is not filled.