Originally Posted by JayHook2
In the 70's and 80's there was 1 turkey hunter per !00 gobblers in Clarke, Marengo, Dallas....

When I started with my pawpaw, unless a bird sounded off less than a quarter from the truck, we would just drive a half mile and do it again til we heard 3-4 in one spot...and would see nobody.

Clearcutting began around 1972 by Scotch Lumber in Clarke, the other large companies followed up right after that. since then private land has held the vast majority of turkeys and had the best hunting because it had the best habitat and the least hunters,,,

And then in the late 80's Will Primos made a turkey video and everybody became a turkey hunter or thought they did...and there was 100 hunters for every gobbler.

The best turkey hunters in the world lived in those parts and some still do...Joe Champion, Blue Jones, George Alford, Clifton Philips, Joe Harrison, Jimmy McDaniel, Gene Etheredige...Wilcox and Marengo turkeys are the toughest there are!

I was told when I went to Troy State to college in 1984 by my good friend David to not call to any bird unless I wAS READY TO SHOOT...He wasn't wrong...just not the same makeup as west Alabama.

You left out Jim Andrews, Rip Godbold, David Gaston, Bill Cooper, Billy Perryman (and his boys Stover and Calvin), and besides the good hunters. pile of folks who killed a bunch of turkeys using bait. Feller who can consistently kill turkeys in Wilcox Co. would be a sho nuff turkey slayer anywhere else.