Originally Posted by straycat
I do a lot of work that involves insurance (property coverage, commercial general liability and professional E&O). Insurance is great when you need it normally, but I agree that most people don't understand it as good as they should. I also know that not all insurance companies and/or adjusters do what they should either. For every 3 people trying to get a non-covered item covered, there is at least 1 adjuster shorting coverage and payments to save the insurance company money on their first pass. I see this ALL THE TIME on claims. That doesn't sit well with me. Claims should be legitimate first. For any covered claim the insurance company's first pass should be the best pass because it is right, fair and equitable.

Usually when I see this, what's really happening is the customer has an "ACV" policy (or it's some sort of subjective settlement) and the adjuster is using depreciation, then it turns into a disagreement, and ultimately the adjuster pays more money. It's really difficult to have a situation like that on "Replacement Cost" real property claims. But I've also seen newbie adjusters (or just careless) adjusters totally overlook things that should've been included. It's always sketchy when you have these independent adjusters who have no real concern for the company or the customer.

We were on the edge of Eternia, when the power of Greyskull began to take hold.