I'll add that I'm not a private sector risk / loss inspector that inspects residential dwellings. I inspect things like ventilation systems at the bottom of interstate tunnels. Multi million dollar football stadiums. College campuses. Irreplaceable historical buildings. Switch gear equipment. Pumps that pull salt water from the gulf to research centers. These pumps sit at the bottom of a 6' x 6' concrete caisson some forty feet below ground. Correctional facilities. Just to name a few things and I've never been injured from doing this. tired

Except this one time I was inspecting a county public school system a couple of years ago. It was in the middle of July and not much going on at the school. As I was walking by some vehicles in the parking lot a Lab puppy came running towards me wagging his tail and all so I stopped and petted him. Then all the sudden a bigger Lab came towards us maybe his dad I don't know but he wasn't as happy to see me as the pup. As I started to walk away the damn dog bit me on the hand. Must have hit a heart vein or something cause I starred bleeding like crazy. Went to the car and fixed me up from the first aid kit. After that day I started carrying mace in my safety vest. Oh I've been stung by red, guinea wasp and yellow jackets many times. lol laugh

Y'all be safe ! thumbup

Proud Army and ALNG veteran
God Bless America!