I shoot a lot of Berger hunting bullets and I have had good luck with them in light fast calibers such as .25-06 and similar. I shoot some Barnes as well but they seem to be about a MOA bullet which is perfectly acceptable in most circumstances. If Barnes are MOA... Bergers are 1/2 MOA in my experience. That's the only reason I gravitate towards Berger.

I don't think you can make a great argument for stepping down bullet weight then shooting them out of a larger caliber gun.... like 7 Mag. Why? It will push a 160 nearly as fast as a 140. There is not advantage in shooting a tiny bullet. At that point you have changed the dynamics of what you are doing and instead of relying on the "killing power" of the larger caliber gun you have reversed course.... and you are now relying on bullet performance. The velocity is a moot point the trajectory and maximum point blank range are very close. The muzzle energy is nearly identical. As many issues as some have with their bullets entering the Bermuda Triangle and blowing up, not expanding, blah, blah. Why would I want to put all my stock in a tiny bullet with some kinda mythical and almost legendary on the internet expansion capabilities. Not this guy.

Recoil is the only reason I can get behind. IMO You should just shoot something smaller if that's the problem.

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