Originally Posted by bamaeyedoc
Originally Posted by Thefofive
IDK... why are so many "club presidents" POS?!?!?!? Don't change rules after money has changed hands. Make rules based on solid QDM principles and not what you heard at the coffee shop! Be realistic and don't think that every 4 yr old Bama buck is going to score 150.

I've seen it all! There are some dumb, ignorant, greedy, unethical, etc... individuals running hunting clubs. Worst I saw were a husband and wife team out of Dallas Co off Hwy 41 above Camden. The Motts? That lady was unbelievable!!!! I was in that club for one year and got the hell out. I hope that couple got their land pulled from them. I hope another female hunter slapped that Mott old lady to the ground! I would have put a fist in her face if she'd been a man.

And there are some good people too... but the aforementioned seems to be too often found!

Awww man! Do tell! This sounds like a great story! rofl

Dr. B

spill it