Originally Posted by BhamFred
Originally Posted by centralala
Originally Posted by centralala
It's been a good discussion and I appreciate all the feedback. 2 things for sure is it will always kill the individual deer but has never wiped out a herd. That never wiped out a herd is a big misconception that I had myself. I thought when CWD hits all the deer die. I think a lot of the casual hunters believe this. It's bad, we don't need it, but it's not the end of deer.

There is absolutely nothing I do or not do that is a direct threat of spreading this disease. Not that is known or speculated as spreading it at the moment anyway.

One thing that I keep going back to is how the very first animal got it? I've read the term "spontaneous naturally" several times as a possibility on how some animals get it. I just don't how this can not be true, especially with the very first animal. And if it happened once, surely it can happen again.

Come again? Is this some contest to plant the most misconception? How much are they paying you to dribble together random nonsense? Who are you even replying to?

Show ONE misconception in my statements that I was planting.

Centrala, I have been studying CWD since 1980 when a LOT of the original studies/documents were still available. By 1990 one researcher studied all known cases of CWD in the US/Canada. He found he could backtrace EVERYSINGLE CASE of CWD to Ft Collins. EVERY SINGLE CASE. Look at a current map of known CWD cases and see the huge dense cloud of markers just north of Ft Collins..the "endemic" area where infected mule deer does were released after fawning in the research pens. EVERY single arrow points to Ft Collins at the birthing place of CWD. There was no "spontaneous" outbreak of CWD or the map would be more spread out with multiple endemic areas.

Spontaneous naturally is the defenders of Ft Collins denying they started it. But they did.

Thus the use of words like "possibility" . I've read a lot on it and certainly don't have the answers. There are so many thoughts on how it's transmitted it really is a mystery. What is not a mystery is individual deer that get it die, a herd has never been wiped out by this disease, and it's bad and we don't need it it. Those are facts. Anyone who says otherwise is lying or they don't know what they are talking about. I certainly hope Swampdrummin doesn't work for the DCNR spreading false information or showing incompetence. If he does we are in a world of hurt in Alabama. He has dodged giving that one misconception he spoke of like a politician.