Plenty of places. I cover a lot of ground here in SW AL. Access to hundreds of gates and a couple hundred thousand acres. I do recon (walking timberland tracts) to plan harvest schedules. We could drive to 5 tracts in X location that have good deer numbers that meet perceived expectations of South AL. I could then take you to Y location and visit 5 tracts that have very low deer numbers. I’m talking hard to find a fresh pile of deer droppings.

I’m in a club almost solely to turkey hunt. Me and my son saw 5 deer all season. We traveled two times to my fathers property in North AL and saw almost 20 deer one afternoon.

This has been discussed here before and a lot of guys agree with me. Some will argue. Cause it all depends on where you hunt and what you see. I’m just in a position to see a lot of various tracts in different places and landscapes.