Been a looooong time since I've been on West Point, like literally maybe 12-15 years. I live only about 1hr-20mins from it, actually leased hunting land just minutes from it right on the AL/GA line for a few years. I HIGHLY, HIGHLY doubt the survey is because of "tournament fishermen". That sounds a whole lot more like an opinion based on some personal vendetta. Having said that, the reason we quit going was because the bass fishing sucked. It's my understanding that it's just as bad now as it was when we quit going. I ain't got NOTHING against stripe fishermen, nor stripe, I love catching those sonofaguns!!! Nor do I believe stripe are "bad" for green bass. West Point's problem is that it's probably the least fertile of all those gin-clear highland lakes. It's very similar to Wedowee (R.L. Harris) and Lake Martin, even Smith, but never seemed to have as many fish or shad as any of those lakes. If the stripe in Lake Martin or Smith Lake haven't hurt the green bass there, then that ain't the problem in West Point either. There's no reason the stripe on other lakes haven't hurt the bass populations, EXCEPT that those other lakes have more fertility to feed the shad. Wedowee and West Point are close to each other, look the same, almost fish the same. But if you go to Wedowee it has globs, and globs, and globs of shad. The fertility of the lake means there's plankton for the shad to feed on, and for some reason West Point ain't got it. They ought to be looking for either the surrounding soil composition, or maybe even upstream pollution.

Last edited by ikillbux; 01/20/19 09:48 AM.

We were on the edge of Eternia, when the power of Greyskull began to take hold.