Originally Posted by Shotts

Yet again quote a third party news agency instead of reading it your self you are a genius! Requoting a newspaper instead of the actual work is not leg work. It’s ok I recently watched one of your class of geniuses quote a simulation output as data. Quoting a newspaper that references another news article must make it true i mean it’s the news lord knows CNN never embellishes one quoting the other just makes it a circular reference.

As for the lead researcher falsifying it either her briefing to a peer reviewed conference is wrong or the newspaper journalist isn’t wrong I know which my money is on. When I get to the office Monday I will ask for myself.

You are making this very difficult. Luckily, I am a patient man. As I said, the newspaper article contains a LINK to the ACTUAL PRESENTATION that they based their article on, which is the presentation given by the ACTUAL RESEARCHER. You know, a video of what she actually said. Straight from the horses mouth as they say. Go look. Go watch the presentation.

You know what, I'm going to make this real easy. Here's the link to the actual presentation on the study which was given at the Prion 2017 Conference in Edinburgh: [video:youtube]https://www.youtube.com/embed/Vtt1kAVDhDQ[/video]You know what, i'm going to make it even easier. Click play. That's the little sideways triangle button at the bottom left of the screen. Now, it's a long video. A whole day's worth. Don't worry. Like I said, I did the legwork. Go to 1:36:56 / 8:25:25.

There's your quote, thereby resolving this whole scuffle between us irrefutably. The macaque monkeys got CWD from eating a tad bit more than a 7 oz steak, once per month, for two years.

Now, if you want to start a new scuffle, like say, the researcher looks like a 3 out of 10 when she is clearly a 7 then I am all for it. Now, to be fair, I guess that's a little subjective because some men, myself included, like their women a little older. Either way she's a solid 7 but you're probably gonna dispute that. Centralala probably will too. In which case, please direct me to research that she's not a 7.

Quack quack.