Originally Posted by AU7MM08
Originally Posted by Tree Hanger
Originally Posted by Stob
I'm a Fed working without pay and I will be voting for Trump.
There are things more important than my paycheck.

Same here.

However, I get pissed when people say "they should have had a nest egg, they'll get back pay, or they're just overpaid leeches". I have co-workers with sick kids, parents, and just other every day Life things that they may be living pay check to pay check over right now. In my profession any day could be your last, and it's bulldoodoo that we don't get paid when we have to work. But, we will take care of our own, Democrat and Republicans, cause when we throw on our stuff and get ready to rock, we are family.

You're getting pissed off that I recommend 3-6 months of expenses in an emergency fund? Well alright, snowflake.

No I totally agree with you, and guys on here that know me and know what I do will tell you I'm far from a snowflake. I just quoted Stob and added my say. I never even read your comment. I'm just sick of people that don't have a clue categorizing all feds as overpaid and lazy.

You and me are probably just alike. If I have time when I'm in Auburn one day I'll buy you a drink and we can chew the fat. thumbup