Originally Posted by ikillbux
I feel like a backwoods hick barbarian these days because I do all my hunting from a climber, and almost never on fields. Even when we leased premium land for 20 years, with powerlines, cutovers, food plots, I "might" hunt from a permanent stand or shooting house once a year. Had a great shooting house on the powerline overlooking a lush greenfield, but from that shooting house I couldn't see what I wanted to see into the woods (nor could I hear the deer). So I would literally climb the power pole 10 yards away from that stupid shooting house.

I went to a club as a guest a couple of weeks ago, hunted three days in a row morning and afternoon, never once took the climber out of the truck. Nothing I've ever done felt as stupid and lazy as sitting on a greenfield in a shooting house in the morning???!!! The whole time I'm thinking, "If I was in that tree right yonder, I could get another 25' higher and see all those woods the left, I could see all those woods to the right, and still see this big food plot here (that no friggin' deer is gonna walk out on till 30 minutes before dark this evening). We'd drive by a mile of the most premium looking cutover, only for him to drop me off on a road and say "walk till this road hits that field, there'll be a shooting house on the left". Drove me nuts. 3000 acres of insanely good land in the Black Belt, and everybody sits in shooting houses on plots morning and evening.

I visited a club like that once years ago and thought the same thing till I killed a good 10pt one evening there lol ain't my cup of tea but it worked that trip

They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.
Ben Franklin