Originally Posted by BhamFred
Originally Posted by centralala
Originally Posted by BhamFred
Originally Posted by Clem

Why are they throwing it out? Not one shred of evidence has been presented that shows CWD can be transmitted to humans by eating meat.

you do realize that one of the traits of the TSE group is that they are supposed to be species specific, that is they won't jump the species barrier to another species. Scrappie jumped to mule deer under very heavily contaminated conditions at Ft Collins. CWD is born and has proven to be the least species specific of the TSE group. It has jumped to Elk, Whitetails, Moose, Reindeer, and a host of others, including monkeys, in a lab setting. Keep in mind the incubation period of other human TSEs is very long, like 30-40 YEARS. Also there have been NO STUDIES to prove or disprove the ability of CWD to jump to humans by eating contaminated meat. Some of the monkeys in the lab did contract CWD by eating contaminated meat.

Damnifin I'd eat any suspect meat from a CWD zone.

It has never been proven that it jumped from sheep to mule deer.

it did jump from sheep to mule deer and anyone who says it didn't is a damn liar. The biologists who discovered what the illness was in the deer said it did and she was the leading researcher on CWD in the world before her death in an auto accident.

I have read the Macaque paper and it is a very long stretch to say it jumped the species barrier based on that study. They took infected concentrated brain tissue and actually not only implanted it in the Macaque tissue in the brain but scratched the brain cells to make sure it had positive uptake. On the others they were feeding them as much as 25% of their total body weight per day in infected concentrated CWD brain tissue. This does not show it can "naturally jump" the barrier from natural means, only that it can live in a different host species under ideal conditions. Further only half of the Macaques in this study contracted the disease under this extreme set of circumstances.

Life is difficult
Science prevails over bulldoodoo and superstition every time