Originally Posted by Crawfish
Trump is the only president in 30 years to actually care about America

Did he "care about America" when he said (paraphrasing) "to hell with Due Process, take the guns [from people that seem dangerous] and worry about due process later"?

or when he ordered the ATF to re-define "machineguns" to include "bump stocks", and giving citizens who LEGALLY purchased them 90 days to destroy/surrender them or automatically become felons.

Is that when he cared about America?


EDIT: for the record I am 100% on board with his cancelling her trip. I'd high-five him on that one.

Last edited by GomerPyle; 01/17/19 03:56 PM.

There are 3 certainties in an uncertain world:

1. All Politicians Are Liars
2. All Gun Laws Are an Infringement
3. Taxation Is Theft