Originally Posted by AlabamaHuntress
Well are we going to build a wall around our coastlines and skies because most terrorists and drugs are flown into the US.... This wall is pure ignorance and an illusion of false security. It will not keep us any safer. What it will do is wreak havoc on the local wildlife and the people who privately own the land they want to build the wall on, forcing the locals from their homes. It seems like so much more harm will be done than good and I dont know about y'all but I for one dont want to be trapped inside a wall with the crooked American government or all the evil Americans which greatly out number the crime rate of all the illegals or terrorists combined.... This shutdown is a sign of a weak President who is throwing a hissy fit to get his way after he lied to the American people promising he could make Mexico pay for it. There are federal workers with families not getting a paycheck and their contracts state they can't obtain secondary jobs. He doesn't really care about American people...

Get your a** back in that kitchen and fix me a sammich. You are an embarrassment to all the women I know.