Originally Posted by kodiak06
Originally Posted by Remington270
Originally Posted by kodiak06
Originally Posted by Remington270
So, they're going to vote for a socialist (democrat) instead? Good plan laugh

I don't know who they'll vote for, but from what I've read on social media most of them aren't going to vote for Trump. I think I've seen more post from family members than I have actual active-duty people but I already know their opinions because their spouses do it. Active duty guys aren't going to run their mouths because he's the commander-in-chief

That's what everyone said last election too. "Trump's an idiot, I won't vote for him". And then he won.

Frankly, it's very hard to support Trump publicly even in conservative areas. But in that voting booth...

Last election people weren't losing paychecks...

Yes, Yes we were. The economy sucked. Obozo the clown prince was like a wet blanket smothering the economy. It is WHY people voted for change.