Originally Posted by AlabamaHuntress
Originally Posted by 257wbymag
I've seen deer run coyotes, foxes, bobcats off all the time. Those critters don't bother a healthy deer

I have watched coyotes walk right by yearnings and does and neither doe nor fawn got spooked, they kept eating while the coyotes dug in rotted logs. They dont affect the deer like most hunters think they do. People are the reason deer become more nocturnal.

I have seen deer walk right past coyotes and coyotes walk right past deer and one not even look at the other myself. What im wondering about is kinda different. Say 5 cows die and are left to be consumed by coyotes and buzzards over a winter right in the center of the area you hunt, maybe 200acres, this would surely cause a spike in coyote population for that small area. Maybe the deer pays no attention to a single coyote but when theres several running around on a regular basis, I would assume the deers reaction would be different.