Originally Posted by Hogwild
Originally Posted by Johnal3
Originally Posted by Hogwild
Antler Envy is a bad disease!

Is it? You just love everyone these days, huh? DCNR and poachers too! Good for you.

Yes, it is a terrible disease!!!

Just because you THINK someone may be doing something illegal does not mean they are. Simple as that!
You should provide proof before you make accusations.
There is a the whole ‘innocent until proven guilty’ thing that people seem to have forgotten about. And posting detrimental things about people on the internet with no proof is very careless and irresponsible.

If you think he is hunting illegally, turn him in or catch him FIRST!

I pmed him first and was lied to. Since you’re acting like he’s on trial, what happens when you lie in court? This started out with a simple question (in private). I honestly figured he was on the property I have permission on, or nearby. Made no accusations until he lied. If you dealt with the amount of tresspassers I have to, you’d ask a question or 2 also I bet. Again, I never accused him of wrongdoing until he didn’t tell the truth.

Let me say this....if I’m wrong, I’ll be the first to stand up and say, I’M SORRY, and I’ll put it here for everyone to see. So far, nothing or nobody says I’m wrong.

Last edited by Johnal3; 12/29/18 08:59 AM.

Originally Posted by BPS
This is Aldeer! The place people come to vent their frustrations and completely change their stance a few minutes later... grin