Originally Posted by Bulls eye
Damn boys!!!! Don’t worry about that deer. He is dead. I killed him and every other deer in Weatherly. Ain’t a damn one left. I lured them all into my backyard through my privacy gate with a trail of popcorn and shot them with a fully automatic rifle while using my trampoline as a ground blind while I was wearing my ghillie suit on a full moon night. Didn’t even need a spot light. But at least it was my property. Since some of y’all are major detectives and know my name and address feel free to drop by and introduce yourselfs. I’ll show you my wall full of illegal kick ass bucks taken on the streets of Weatherly🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

You got me figured wrong. I’m not slobbering over a 120” 8 point. I simply told you in a pm that I had that same deer on camera and said I assumed you were in weatherly. When you told me you lived in Ballantre, I thought that was a long way for that deer to travel. After I found out where you lived, I just wondered why you would’ve lied about it. I don’t have to wonder any more. It’s because you’re hunting on property you aren’t supposed to be on. I have a piece of property close to you that I take care of and am supposed to keep tresspassers off of, so that’s what I do. It’s a full time job during this time of year. I don’t have time to hunt or finish work that actually pays the bills, believe me, the last thing i want to do is chase thieves/poachers around. But I told the nice people that live on the property I’d help out. So there you have it. I’m actually a pretty nice guy, just don’t like being lied to, don’t like thieves, or poachers. Keep proclaiming your faith all over the interwebs, I hope you’re reaching people, just don’t preach one thing, and do the opposite. Hope you have a good new year!

Originally Posted by BPS
This is Aldeer! The place people come to vent their frustrations and completely change their stance a few minutes later... grin