I will look it up and send a FAA link when I am back in the office. Basically they were from Tupelo, Ms and we’re flying to Atlanta for New Year’s Eve. The pilot wasn’t IFR certified and was flying VFR, following 278 to 65 and on to Atlanta. When he got to the lake they think visibility was poor so he dropped a little lower to see the road better or something and clipped a huge pine tree which dumped him into the lake. The little airplane sank and only a small section 4-5 inches of the tail was showing above the water. We saw the little white and blue tail section on Jan 5th but you couldn’t see the plane in the murky water from the shore. It’s crazy because when we told my dad he didn’t believe us and actually took us out to eat breakfast before coming to look. When he got there we found the nose wheel on the bank and then the first body which had floated up and onto the bank. He called the brilliant police and they sent fire and rescue. D.D. Reel iversaw some of the plane recovery which incidentally used the road or the part of it remaining that the rogue commmisioner started to get the plane out at the spillway of the lake.

Life is difficult
Science prevails over bulldoodoo and superstition every time