Originally Posted by ozarktroutbum
I think I remember you being on there, Gomer

Yep.....several years ago I got bit BAD by the wanting-to-duck-hunt-bug. Didn't know a single person that duckhunted, so tried to learn as much as I could online to try to give it a go solo. However, it became apparent relatively quickly that:

A) other than shooting a couple of wood ducks once in a while, the only way to kill birds was to travel at least a couple of hours Northeast, or about 5 hours west/Northwest. Also, the 1 or 2 places within a reasonable distance to even kill that couple of wood ducks would mostly require me to have a boat

B) I was going to have to fight for those 1 or 2 wood ducks against every Duck Dynasty-watching goober in the state, on public land, and

C) I was going to spend a small fortune to do it.

Long story short, I had neither the time, nor the resources to figure it out on my own, so I abandoned it without ever firing a single shot at a bird.

then the turkey bug bit......and that one stuck.

I'd still like to try duck hunting one day, especially if CWD turns all our deer into zombies. I really think I'd like duck hunting a lot more than deer hunting....but that's gonna require me to get to be friends with someone that's got a boat and the 411 on some decent spots.

There are 3 certainties in an uncertain world:

1. All Politicians Are Liars
2. All Gun Laws Are an Infringement
3. Taxation Is Theft