Originally Posted by Bud Meadows
Back in the 1970’s, I worked for a huge engineering company in Chicago. We hired hundreds of designers and drafters every year. Being an Affirmative Action Employer, we’d recruit at some of the inner city community colleges that offered AAS degrees in Drafting Technology. At Malcolm X College, 25% of the graduates couldn’t spell “Malcolm”. At Kennedy- King College, 50% of the graduates couldn’t spell “Kennedy”. Most of them spelled it phonetically: “Kinndy”. When I asked the Placement Directors at these schools what the entrance requirements were, they said if you graduated in the upper half of a city highschool, you had to be admitted.. They admitted that if an inner city kid showed up for class, didn’t commit a crime on school property and didn’t assault the staff, they would graduate in the upper 50% of their class and yet be completely illiterate.. Once they reached the inner city community colleges, the instructors just continued to give them passing grades, even though they were still illiterate. These poor kids then graduated with an AAS degree but with no job skills and unable to even fill out an employment application properly. I blame the corrupt and incompetent Chicago Democratic machine for allowing this to happen.

When people talk about racism.... that's racism through and through..... a system that doesn't believe those kids can do the same things that other kids can. It's BS that we don't hold everyone to the same standard. If we did we could bring everyone up rather than changing standards and bringing everyone down.