Originally Posted by IDOT
Originally Posted by GomerPyle
Originally Posted by perchjerker
Buncha dumbazz hunters that cry about everything from reporting deer to being checked in Bama. Buncha little crybabies. Be responsible, follow the laws and you won't have problems. Do you want laws enforced or not????

" I think a lot of it is BS stories from hunters. Year hear about it on ALDEER so it has to be true. I highly doubt, GW's are going to write tickets based on laws that don't exist. Are they going to make mistakes, yes, are some assholes, yes. Are there hunters that are full of schit and make stuff up, yes."


So when they gave 1 hunter a warning for having a loaded rifle in his truck, on private property no less, and told another they went through a cooler in the back of his truck "to make sure there wasn't any beer in it", just which laws were they enforcing exactly?

I just don't believe it. We already know, they have no respect for the law (Hunting over bait). Any thought on rather they were being truthful about the rest just went out the window.

Is speeding or having a busted tail light no respect for the law?