Originally Posted by ozarktroutbum
Require everyone that shoots a buck to have it shoulder mounted...

.....And it would be a terrific plan. Very smart. Much better than all of the other plans. Hunters will be tired of seeing such fantastic bucks on a regular basis. Believe me...!

Obviously this suggestion is made in jest. But seriously, that would be pretty effective in getting them to grow. IMO trigger control is the most economical and effective management strategy. What is not realistic is thinking you can persuade hunters to do it, though.

I'll say it, this is NOT SMART,😶
Trying to make everyone a trophy hunter just because one believes he's a trophy hunter is flat out dumb. Alot of people hunt because they enjoy hunting and want the meat. I could kill a 180 buck, and it'll be a skull mount. I have enough mounts of other animals so I don't want any more l9l