I had a place on some land behind my house as a kid where a previous landowner had dug out an area that was probably 100 yards by 70 yards and probably 10' deep. I have no idea what they were doing, but it was on high sandy clay ground so it didnt hold water. Every time it rained I'd go back there and find something. A lot of pottery shards, broken points, knapping flakes, and the occasional full point. The pottery was the coolest to me because it had designs and drawings in a lot of it but I never did find anything close to a whole piece.

Since then, I've always kind of kept an eye on the ground when I'm in the woods. I've found a handful of more points and pieces, but nothing like that spot was.

Unfortunately since then, that land has been somewhat developed and there is now a house sitting right on top of where I used to find them.